EXCELLENT!! u were totally not drunk tho and the stairs were soaking wet!!!! u can treat me with yor settlement tho - i could do with a gud...
i cudnt think of nething 2 call myself! so i thought i'd stick with the one my mammy n daddy gave me! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: wish i...
also thinks sparky mark and johnny boy revel r ded ded gud dancers!!! :D:D:D
aww fankayoo honeyvuzz!! me thinks yor a fabtastikal dancer especially at ss ny day - u and gav both looked ded ded gud!! :):) cant bleev how...
cos i liked it! ha! ;)
oooh v. clever!! :p
ah thank-u!! :p:p
yeah every1 i spoke 2 said it was absolutely mint!! hehehe smartE dancin in da street.. now why doesnt that suprise me?! :p:p:p
lmao!!! ive never noticed but im gunna make a note 2 have a look in future!! hahaha!! :D:D:D grrrr i wish i wen2 ss!! :p:p
depends what it links 2!!! :p:p
thanka yoo!! :):)
help me pleez!! iya!!! pleeez pleez help me!! my friends doin her french coursework n needs 2 know a french dj 2 put in.. n me cant think of...
marissa always has 2 have the orange skittles... doctors orders! ;)
hahha!!! msg a bit fcukd up cos we was fightin!!! Behave sim we gunna get chucked outta da llibary!! n am a gud girl me!!! :p :p
ooooh hint of jelousy is it?! :p :p
mint!!!!!!!! 2 late rach me read it first!! soz!! yay!! cant wait till we gets our flat... course its ok wiv me chik.. i lurve parties!!!!...
hehe!! mint! and i WILL win this time!! :p:p
yes i'll have my own special position.. long as i hav lotsa power (over the other staff - dave n ste esp!!!!) lotsa money, lotsa freedom, lotsa...
hehe!! of course! :p
LOL i'll second that!!! :p :p
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