I thought they did a spring and winter series. The last two series are on UKTV People and another UKTV channel everyday.
He has had an illness that stops him from recovering from injury in short spaces of time
There are so many rumours flying about today in football, but this particular one isn't about Sol. Half of the betfair forum has been banned....
Prem player HIV positive? Taken from another forum: Originally Posted by Positive Force A friend of mine who runs a football forum/website...
You should post that in the linkage coz it's funny!
Apparently Pires is currenly telling all on French channel Canal+ at the moment.
We prob only need 14 more points. How many do you reckon you need again?
I'm hearing the gay stories from Betfair.com forum. They reckon the News of the World is doing a story about it on Sunday.
You're just the kind of Sunderland fan I'm talking about. Whinging when you're winning and whinging more when you're losing!
Re: Re: Which car? Not really. There may only be one parking space left and if you get there first, you get the space! Worth the 15-20k I reckon!
Jesus! It costs about £4.50ish per gallon!
I saw this today in town. A noble m12. What a stunning car! And it's British!
Ha! 5 minutes? More like 5 weeks! Every time I do get logged into my email account and give it a simple task to do like I want to 'compose new...
Apart from the fact that before the FA cup exit you'd won 2/3 games and the only loss was a great performance against Chelski
Business Management
Ha! Same here. I was just looking at stuff I did in 1st year. I only got my timetable on Monday coz I couldn't access it from home.
and as if by magic, I log onto Blackboard to get lecture slides and I'm greeted by this: "There appears to have been a mix up in the...
working again
Separate names with a comma.