Re: Re: Do you frequent other message boards and why? Thats me and I think I did used to have you on my MSN This was not...
Do you frequent other message boards and why? I have to say this is the most pleasant and friendly of the lot I visit. Do you look at other...
There might be a drinks stop somewhere along the way!!
How far do you think you could run? Right now. If you were to get changed into shorts and a t-shirt? :chill:
Who are you going to GKGG with? How are you going to get there, which after party are you going to and what are you looking forward to most about...
We (Gurn) will whip your skinny arses......twould be fun if it was Promise vs final. 4 clubbers dont stand a chance, so its all open....
Whats your favourite number? ......and why? Mine is 19 because it came in 4x in a row on the roulette table at Luton Casino. I won £3500...
Write one thing you are looking forward to doing in the next week! For me it is going to play at the house party i'm going to at the weekend!! ;)
This is probably the most friendly message board I visit. Every1 seems pleasant and it will be nice to come and visit top people when we get round...
Good girl. I am training you well. Lesson 2.....(to follow) ;)
Let DJBURNS loose on the decks for a couple of hours, that would be fun!!
I am deeply dissappointed I didn't even get a look in there!!
There you go, everyone moans that she aint gunna be any good or "fit in with the music policy" and she bangs out a wicked set. I don't know her...
If you could be locked in a room for 1 hour..... .....who would it be with? ;)
Had a meeting Friday night and was never gunna get there in time!! Never mind, there will be another time im sure 1 day.
Didn't get to come up in the end. Might do another time. Glad you had a good 1 though. ;)
The average IQ is about 100-110. I doubt many people have an IQ above 130 as only 5% of people have that privilidge!!
What is your IQ? Mine is 114. Thats above average, but then again im an above average sort of guy!! ;)
shhhhh ;)
Separate names with a comma.