MrSleepy you could say the same thing about chocolate though couldn't you?
no "we" can't talk at all your mean :(
fuck off ya daft cunts! I'm not like that @ all, your all so fucking nasty!
a waitress job is hardly an occupation :monkey: I want to be a dental nurse though :D thats what I'm gunna train to be :D
I'm boreeeeeed who wants to pm me?
then I'm not coming, madchris is taking me for a drink instead :D isn't that right chris.
thats 4 hehe ;) eeeee I haven't lost it like have I :D
if u can get me on the guestlist hehe how bad do I sound :o I'm not really like this hehe :D
I'm still @ school and only work as a waitress. I need my money to make me pretty. would u prefer I went out looking ugly?
Godscrasher I'm good hehe ;) JimE I wont love u :(
wow thats ded good that is :D :D :D could you put me on the guestlist? ;) <looks @ him with cute lil puppy dog eyes>
Cramlington Community High School - guess where its at ;)
I used to go to baja sometimes :D didn't really like it - altho all the scantly clad boys is yummy hehe ;)
hehe awwww I'm sowwy mwa mwa - friends (but nothing else - ur 2 ugly ;) hehe) JimE do u dj in any clubs :love:
I go to high whats wrong with my age grrrrr are you an old wrinkly?
do boys with big foreheads and big eyebrows really have big feet?
what are you doing? WebbA you are fit as wanna take me on a picnic hehe :love:
you wish boys I think your both ded ded ugly otherwise u would of shown me ur pics Sarah isn't for ugly bois :p
lol so I'm real now am I :p
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