seems a bit pricey atm but yeah go for it. i want to play a wii through it, itll be like real life haha.
Disposable tents?? Just seen one of these on the argos sire. only 8 quid. Thinking i might get one but im not sure if it will actually be useful...
Good point, but lets not say things like that. i dont particularly want to be jumpin about in wellies
hahahaha lmao. yeah i got the email. its not built on flood plains and apprently iits got a good drainage system at the airport. suppose...
projectors Thinking of getting a projector for my mac so i can chill in bed an work on some tracks/watch films. anyone no anything about these... looks arreeeeet like. but never no these days. i dont really wana buy any wellies like
yeah i got a dns 3500, decent tbh, but i think i like the feel of the cdj when adjusting. also the spin back sounds better on cdj as does the loop...
They used to be exactly the same thing
lol, that was an invitation to see how much people no about them. And i really want to no myself. Its alot of of money to waste.
Global roll call. Dont no if anyone has started one yet, but i cant wait like. Its my first one redface: Anyway whos going?? Full weekend for...
I thought Facebook was for 15 year olds in london trying to get a shag??? :confused: I started getting really confused when randoms from school...
Sorry Dad, i thought this was the banter section :p
CDJ 800 vs 1000 Honeslty, what is so much better wbout the 1000. I prefer the preset loops to the hot cues. Now unless someone can convince me...
Fukin hell!!! Whats the crack with that like. Whoever picked that tracklist must have been high as fooook
Re: Re: Re: here ! True true, im just used to hearing that. Not that it would matter cos they6l no doubt have their call centre in india.
Thought i saw a charv with one round his ankle, then i realised he was coming out the police station. Must just be a twat.
Re: here ! They kind of have to, otherwise they could be charging you for things you havent done. How are you supposed to know if someone has...
No they dont. Some producers dont even touch sequencers. Some still use oldskool atari's. I think cubase is a right farce for doing the most...
Re: Apple Mac & Logic Pro! I run logic pro ona 512 memory, 160 gb harddrive like. goes slow when iv got about 20 tracks going with effects...
GILLS CHIP SHOP. its been a fukin lifetime since ive been there. Reminds me of dinner at st wilfrids:lol: :lol:
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