Aye it is indeed, coming to shake my shimmy on the dance floor!!
Only a couple of Weeks to go!!! I'll be back at promise for boogie on the 15th, looking foward to it emmensley!!! :)
The best news you've been given all week!! :p
Its Picotto all the way for me.. I like it tough and techy.. John00 is good to but a whole different ballgame. Not my ideal clubbing...
Arent I a Genius!! :p
Aye, but our residents are class! diverse is the name of their game and we even have our own funky room now!! :) A 2 leg match I say! Promise...
right this time Im really away!
Re: Re: Bath And Bed!!! Yes well I depend on more convinient methods... Water and electricity!! O dangerous..hehe
Bath And Bed!!! I know it seem a tad childish but you cant beat it.. A lovely warm bath followed by an even lovelyer pre heated bed.....
I'll see what I can do...;)
It will be a hi point of the club right through its career if you do get him! Hes a slippery fish to say the least.. But worth the chasing...
Are you good at writing?? As far as i can see the majority of Club mag jounalists are better clubbers than they are writers... Just a...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz no one is going to win this argument, agree to disagree and move on to something interesting......
I'll keep my ear to the ground.... I dont see how that will help but thats what everyone says..:lol: What are you good at?
Fair enough. Glad to be of service.. :p
I didnt promise you a wage.. Just a job!! :lol:
2 fish swimming along and one bangs into a block of concrete. So he turns round to his mate and says "DAM" Boom boom.......
You are that!! Do you fancy a job?? lol
Anyone ever been to Australia?? Just wondering cos i might be going there next year with a view to imigrating?? Anyone?
Separate names with a comma.