i'll sort sumfin out monday, im working on the sat morning on the 27th i think it is so i'll have to arrange not too b4 i commit myself then i...
its a lie, im shit honest, i deserve death, painfully :lol:
im still making my mind up :S
:o You dont know me, yet you know me oh so well :lol:
# boszer!!!!
a bloody wonder :evil: :lol:
he busted me then pike within 5 mins :o
ten min wonder jobbeh then :p
Re: Good Morning Promise! die?
Re: Smallville..... Watched this a while ago and am totally baffled as to how it will conclude :confused:
I want to die in as much pain as possible, i deserve it :fart:
I :love: u :D Your better than Trisha :lol:
fucking indeed, still made me giggle at the rave :monkey: tho :p
tut tut :rolleyes:
haha b4 the arena one night my mate had a party and turbo d was mc'in, was a defining moment....not he sucks :lol:
Theres always somewhere u cvan ring yhat deliver til 3 or 4am, be persistant
U tried smack like she did? :lol:
I got hammered and even went to the hangar, told mc stompin he was a filthy smackhead.. He must have looked at me and thought 'we must be...
fuck off spence, u'd nob her for sure :love:
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