Cant wait counting the dance to yoji All i have heard about yogi is good and i have heard some of his songs and sets all i can say IS hard as...
nat who is sending msg with your name whats with the hull thing
nat was scott good how was hull nat
i still think its worth £32.50 I still like the line up. i love the insomniaz room also scot project is on i would pay £32.50 just for scot also...
might just be rumours i heard by word of mouth but my reasources are normally correct
Armin And Guy Have Cancelled armin van burren and guy ornadel have cancelled at the telewest does any 1 know who is playing or what is happening...
RUMOUR has it Rumour has it that there is a gk after party in newcaste some where at six aclock in the morning does any 1 know if this is true?...
CYBER DOG COSTS I got a pair of pants from Kathmandu which cost me £70 rather expansive my top only cost £26
get all three on the decks get all of them three lasses on the decks
SHOKK WAS THE BOY shokk played mint his tune selection was mint one of my best nights at promise
so are you going to promise 2 moro shokk will be mint
so r we friends
NAT is my mate i was having a laugh not calling him
is every1 going to shokk
how am i a prick i am having a laugh but i think you r taking things to far u need to lighten up i have know nat for years and i thought i would...
sorry got my wires crossed i read it wrong
hahahaha iam at college doing my alevels not a teacher why u trying to take the piss
u cant not beat sloth and nat i think they r twins
NAT BEAN also people call him mr bean what do you think
Separate names with a comma.