Re: Anelka his best season was when he was @ Arsernal went down hill since
Re: Crouch to Liverpool Good player in the air would give liverpool more ov a goal threat he also good with his feet
Re: Henry nice didnt see it was it a peach like ...
Re: New car u got a pic ov it yet fella so a can see
get the point
thanxs hun :) yeh a been to see him 2day he Gorgeous over the moon for a shud have a pic ov him develop soon a posted it wen i have it lol a...
clubbersdelight hey all :) a new music forum my friend runs we are lookin for members so if u care...
havent got a clue yet what am doing thus august bank hoilday
devostating that workin over a weekend feel for ya mate awww well least ya no u gunna get payed extra and always next week:)
Howz everyones weekend been hello all howz all ur weekends been :D mines been awsome out friday mates party got smashed afterparty was class...
right am off got to get ready going to see me nephew :D catch yas later all have a mint day and if u got the pub before me a give ya...
yeh 9 pound 12 little fat fucker ma mams got sum pics him when a get time a post a few pics up ov him :)
a just found how much he weight 9 pound 12 the little fat fucker :eek:
lol the little fucker betta not thow down mine
thanxs :Up::) a be wetting the babys head 2nite or am over the moon
thanxs mate :D am over the moon a be going to see him later me mams rang us told me the me the news over the moon she said hes gorgeous
Now a unlce i am now a uncle :D :D my mams just rang from the hospital me sis had a baby boy :D :D over the moon a be wettin the babys head...
lol aww well always this afternoon to start:D :p
like the say what ever makes ya bad makes ya betta :p :D
Morning all.. Good Morning all feelin ruff as fuck had few 2 many last nite lol few paracentermols gd as gold :D
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