ano mate sorry she said shes gunna join later and post ya a pic so u can see what she look like :up: sorry about the english not very gd...
she takes what people say 2 to heart coz a mates were going ur boobs are tiny and take the piss she went and done it a said 2 a if ppl dont like...
thats what i think betta the way the were but if shes happy with them the way the are now well happy for ya but am still in shock carnt belive...
a got think for me big boobs me self a admit but when me m8 sarah came in a see the size a was like :eek: a couldnt belive she got them that big...
Boob jobs alrite this one for the lasses and lads lasses would u have a boob job or u happy with what u got ??? & lads u prefer fake...
Crazy Frog Game if ya bored and hate the frog play dis my best scores 94...
who in the big bro house would u most like to kill.. and what would ur weapon ov choice be
thort a seen it all ... ano a dont like chavs coz the do me fuckin head in think the hard as fook but this is just takein the piss lol
me mate loves the house music u carnt dance 2 it i reckon well i carnt fuckin shite
If u could ban music with genre would it be ..... mine would have to be ' house and garage fuckin hate the stuff whats urs ..
Re: how much would you pay into a club?? 28 pound a wouldnt pay that like
remember this anyone lol lol :lol:
Or am no chav carnt stand the fuckers do me fuckin Head in. just bit to fast with me typein and speak like a talk gunna do with inprovein ano...
a just rush me self that what it is. am not very good punctuation but a try
rite a my have a problem ok . sorry and all that a try if it pisses u off like other people then dont read me post ok . that betta...
wont let me change it a think u have to be over a certain amount off post like the GG site summit ' 200 summit like that
another one that says a got a punctuation problem a had this on the GG site this afternoon
Separate names with a comma.