WARNING Do not read if you are feeling emotional/fragile/are at the office/without kleenex. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow...
Liked this too, even though I dont believe in god, I believe in dog :) My best friend closed his eyes last night, As his head was in my hand....
Thats actually quite funny, and not too poo related :lol:
:( [IMG] :lol: but really though, if its for the best its for the best innit. If there is nothing you can do, then so be it. Here is a...
:lol: surely the transparency has to show as something??!
you know what I feel like a right geek like. Im really glad that with a little help from you guys I can sort things out. I have the confidence...
woah, i fixed it! Well, long enough to get the data from it :) MINT. I just held it together till its little light came on. Unfortunatley,...
My computer is shit, but to be fair, i had never even seen the insides of my computer, and I have now successfully swapped drives, fucked about...
You obviously didnt get the joke Mr Humour. There have been a few threads over the past week or so containing references to shit, and I have...
:lol: if you start thinking about not holding handles on public transport as 'they' can get your fingerprints from them and not brushing...
Re: Re: Re: Re: obsessive compulsive disorder oh thats allright then! :dunce:
another fucking SHIT thread :lol:
USB Flash Drive Snapped I would say broken, but to get a better idea of what has happened I am saying it has snapped. The metal USB looking thing...
Shortcuts to files I have One Note 2003, which is a note taking program which has been very useful for uni work. Basically, the system saves each...
its wrong IMO. Its like taking a human and trying to mate it with a monkey, although closely related they are completely separate. People just...
how did you get to luxembourg?? not bad at all those prices like. I would probably just stay in a little crappy place though, you are out...
How much was it and how long did you go for if you dont mind me asking? were there cheapy flights?? I REALLY want to go skiing, it would be fun...
confused you muppet :lol: I am insured with Tesco Value car insurance on my 1.2 corsa, cost £250 quid ish I am also insured on the...
lol, on the real wikipedia about female masturbation I found this thoroughly hillarious "Common positions include lying on back or face down,...
14. Tofu is evil.
Separate names with a comma.