eeeeeeww!! id forgot u was tellin me that sat!!!! scruffy so n so (th man not u!! ;))
meee2!! not a student ne more!!! me a bum! yay! :D:D also on sum uni computors! :rolleyes: i wanna go play outside tho :(:(:( tiz sunny! :D:D
hehehe.. i do know the moderation tecnique u know!!! just need to brush up on my skills :rolleyes:
yeah blame it on them cos there was not proper drug searches or summit... so it was their fault...tehe! :D
me condition was developmental.. we didnt know the full extent till much later on... :rolleyes:
yup!! :D:D take note mark u could have serious competition on tour hands!! lol ;)
*plotting a way to make squillins!!* AMERICA'S SUCH A GREAT COUNTRY!!! :D
ack i once worked at bt.. in they once got a ded fish in an envelope!!! yuk!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: nofin 2 do woth sea monkeys.. but ive...
lol! :p
hmmm... i dunno!! like sum1 else sed we cud do the guest list thing for guarenteed entry!! :p pretty please??! HOW RUDE R U!! :p mwaah :p
sssssshhhhh... me did! :p
ditto!!! :p
errr...only just!! ;)
just cheapy wino's!!! :):) oooh classy laydeeeeees!! :):)
excellent!!! agree totally bout da cake!! :):)
thers non there!!!! i dont think u understand how 2 work it properly!!! hehehe!! xxx
u said u wouldnt tell any 1!!! u bastard!! :(:(:( AS U ALSO POSTED IN SMALL FONT.. WHAT DOES THAT TELL U BOUT YOURSELF MATE... HEHEHE!! ;)...
ahhhh excellent.. can we make sum!?!? but wif gud sduff on if we gets bored!!! :D:D:D ive gots u an invitation chik!! :)
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