lol thats a great idea!! :):) mite get her 2 send me an audition tape n all!!
lol!! eeeeevil cake.. ive never had it b4 tho or seen ne body who's had it.. how was i sposed 2 know!!! :p ne way.. u know of my new reformed...
mebies thats y she moved upstairs.. lol!!! :D:D im gunna go on a mission nxt fri.. see if she's a regular up there!! :p
hahaha!!! mebies she should hit the karioke bars insted tho!!!! actually i dont think she would let any body else have a go on the mike!! :D :p
..or sit in a hole for 3 days!!!! :rolleyes: :p
i really wanted to go when i first heard bout it! but as ive got no money.. grrr.. dont think its gunna appen!! :rollseyes: there might not be...
she is!! lol! :p it was awful.. i was dead poorly being sick n all i could hear was this awful singing!! aaaargh!! :rolleyes:
i'd totally forgotten bout her.. lmfao!! 10/10 for effort tho!! :)
was that the errr.. lady in the upstairs loo's sittin on the sinks singing her little heart out for hours on end?!?!?! :p
hey!! MY detox wkend went fabulous!! :D:D:D part from the money spent on burma bloo!! mmmm ;) hehehe i remember that night n how yas dont look...
ditto!!! :D:D:D mwaaaaah! xx
hehehe!! big dave = mr. grimes n the one nxt to him is sloppy aka lil dave!! big dave is at the back nxt 2 that idiot with the light shinning on...
yup empty nights r mint!! theres been a nice number of people there the last few times (part from picotto night were u couldnt move!!...
oh n i need sum sleep 2!!! no drink n other things beginning with d 4 me either!!!! perhaps a few burma blue tho! :D:D it would be rude not...
sowi!! time keeping was never mr strong point!! :rolleyes: :p
yay! :D i cant wait 2 c u2 either!! :p
i'll go!!! we wearin our beautiful badges yeah?! please note : not in gurn style, in our own beautiful style!! ;) (ack looks likes...
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