what is your favourite thing to put on your nose? the question is now....guess whats on my nose...answers on a postcard...yet again winner will...
yum yum bubblegum
it was crap, luckily i only had to stomach it for 6months! i dont know carrie by the way
And you guessed wrong was how I remembered it, it was obvious it was jelly! haha! better luck next time my friend
ahhh i get it, pinapple chunks hahahahahahhaa! no problem, i feel the same way about corned beef! mmm tasty - i'll try and find a pic with that...
what do you mean? :mad:
i can honestly say he sucks ass
;) you should know hun!
you'll have to wait and see, you at the next promise mate?
no i dont know rag mouth
is this what you usually put in your mouth you sick puppy?
As promised one smiley for you :) Well done, obviously you have a good eye :king:
close, you are along the right lines...
Whats your favourite thing to put in your mouth? [IMG] :redface: guess what mine is? smileyface for the person who guesses right first time...
Jimmy Jimmy answer your pm please, i forgive you
thats jeff for you! dirty bastard! or was it me... ;)
The best thing to do is to smother your fingers in tomato ketchup, i hate the stuff and even when it washes off the smell is so bad you forget...
Explain please? I dont get it?
Separate names with a comma.