Only just - kinda funny as it sounds like Jodie :lol: Quite relavent imo ;)
:lol: Thats harsh ! ;)
I'll just have to stick the traditional way ;)
My sister bought me a pair of combats for xmas which i had to take back as they were too small!? I changed to 'em in the shop only to realise...
lie. :love:
I've never smoked, thank god! I've had the odd :chill: now and again but not tabs... Being honest i'd rather John didnt either - but i dont...
Aw - Happy Birthday chick...Hope you had a good night and John looked after you ;)
Re: Works Holidays [IMG] :lol: Nothing like a winter holiday eh Tony? I mean John ;)
I've been told i sleep talk in my sleep!!! Not many conversations just mumbles and the random word...abit like tarrets (sp) :lol:
Obviosly not a patch on "Big trouble in little china!" :up: Mintos film - was just on channel 5 tonight :lol:
Re: Channel 4 now Originally posted by Quick Fix Mint programme about Free Running - bit like ninja breakdancing Some amazing skills on show...
Ever tried... do your family tree? OMG - How hard!!!! Suppose its not when your family is pretty simple - but the amount of...
Aye :up: John has tried on one of my cyber tops before - not very girlie girlie but he looks very "oooo sailor!" ;) :love:
Thats well old??? Class though :up:
I thought the film was ace! :up: Saw it over xmas - didnt know it was subtitles but i managed to keep up...just! Thought the martial arts...
Back to original thread title: If i won the lotto > I'd pay off my sisters morgages or half in one case as it'd leave me broke if paid full...
:rofl: It is!!!! Ask John !!!
Really? :(
John> you'll have to get sasha to do your make-up again, i'm crap :lol: could probably sort out the gel bra for you though ;)
Separate names with a comma.