crasha in november 2001 wen cyber still looked amazing. hardwick played mirage :love: :love: :love: one of the best moments eva
dont talk 2 me about top banana, i appear 2 be goin back 2 do A levels at the wonderful newcastle college in 2 days. the advert 4 the place...
i can tell ur havin a great time... wos thinking of doin stonelove sumtime soon? i'v gone a bit bohemian... i think u'l like it. we need 2...
haha yes i am good enough. we like spending our time together talking about how good we are, its a beautiful relationship.
haha joe ur so good at this. i'm joe's friend and i can safely say non of us give a shit about who he's havin his fun with this month, u little...
thanx people :D finally old enough to get in2 promise... can't wait 2 find out if its as shit as everyone says
kev?? :lol:
just goin down 2 leeds 2 live with my sister 4 a cupple of months jeff.. will be back up in september :D
crasher chick... leeds is gud fun :) nothin i hope james! got a bit of munny 2 take down and i'l probly do a bit of bar work. i dont want jobs...
aaah yes... revel did mention it every day wen i wos stuck in newcastle flyerin... i'm jealous
im at northumberland home! i stopped flyerin about 2 weeks ago
hi chris... hows life at home? totally agree with u, its horrible.. its not crasha is it :( :(
i came back up after the weekend, so i'm at home this week... i'v just got out of bed (decided not 2 leave my bed till i'd finished harry potter)...
haha definately! wos gutted i wasnt there on sunday... one of my mates wos playing in the trance room at sundis tho so i had 2 be there. did it...
i hate it. it looks like a nite out on the town.. not crasha :( :(
Alison May March my mam just loved the calender
haha nope his box is actually full :o
cohen empty ur pm's
haha dave, remember wen joe came out of ur kitchen with one of ur hamsters between 2 slices of bread :lol:
Separate names with a comma.