have now got oli faulkner officialy on board.... so it looks like full steam ahead... keep ur eyes peeled after xmas... lets make it a good un....
14th...... THE MITEY LUSH!! wanna check it out at teesseide uni??? watch this space!!!
the union get a certion amount of public licenses for the year... and i've been assured that one would be granted.
thats where i operate from... cant beat the old LRC on a sunday!!! dont worry... it will b promoted right. as i say tho... we'll wait to c...
would probs b a thurs nite, so as to suit every1 + try to pull a crowd, cause as u know boro is a drinking town so going up against the...
no mate! cant speak for every1 else... but lush usually describes things that r mint!! such as the club. irelands no1!!
good good!! cecchini's still mint!! + still stage diving!! am still in 2 minds about putting it on tho... any other takers??? c'mon!!! it's...
for the best warm up dj i've seen yet.... col hamilton. can read any crowd... and set it up for any dj.... making him 1 of the top ressies...
lush! @ teesside uni......... im tryin to set up a nite in the middlesbrough union, and have already got two of the finest dj's around agreed...
wot a horrendous pic btw!!! came out v badly!!!
'auldy meets'...... <----click there!! my debut set @ promise... if it works... [IMG]
not totally sure mate... woz just browsing!! it lost all credibility when lush didnt even make the top 5 in ireland... joke!! was def last...
last months dj mag.... top 5 clubs in n-england. promise woz in there.
richard... y dont u keep new year resolutions??!!!! get that mix over here to i batter col into submission with it. promise + lush..... keep...
pvd e-mix..... need urgent help!!! could i ask a huge massive favour??? is there any wee lovvies out there who would/could burn the pvd e-mix...
am having problems with the pvd 1 tho :( :( bear with me!! [IMG] please work!! :rolleyes:
'auldy meets...' my wee site!! check out the 'auldy meets' series RIGHT HERE!! cheers.
.. is top notch clubbing in ire (not much choice tho)!! have diversified this year, but still keeping the prog slant on things.. this month a...
sorry again... that woz meant to b a reply to my earlier 1!!! ill get my coat!!:(
.. of course... is top notch!!! bit of a big fish in a wee pond tho if u know wot i mean!! www.kellysportrush.co.uk they just got a...
Separate names with a comma.