Yeh, HTFR were tryin to flog "VIP DJ" for £35,000. :o
Damn meddling kids, you've scared him off now. Bet you've filled his PM box wth questions already. :lol: :p
Paintball is mint. Would be well up for another go. I will be well prepared this time tho, loadsa padding methinks. I tell ya i ran alot...
Lou's car ran out of petrol. :rolleyes: So, instead of walking along a road to find petrol, he wondered about in the bush with no mobile phone &...
Dont have a private plate, would have one, but i reccon you need a nice car to go with it eh? So thats me out the runnin. :laugh: A couple of...
Going out for a thrash on me DH bike, with sum tunes goin. :love: Never fails to cheer me up :D goin out n havin a gud laff with me...
Congrats Katie, hope u pass. Lucky git. :king: :( Ive got exams from July till November :o Not lookin forward to that, so im gunna kill sum...
Missin Newcastle @ the mo & me decks. :( Finally got a new flat tho, hopefully movin back 1st July, depending on if i get a job. ;) Fingers n...
Loadsa my mates are, what ya after?
"Some penguins buy too many drinks at a bar and end up urinating all over the place in Pingu" "Cat Deeley models fetish wear on Kilroy in 1994"...
:king: A true scotsman! Go commando with pride!..... ....just dont get locked up for flashin @ young girls. :dunce: What a muppet. Bet he...
Yeah ikea's one way sucks. :dunce: Got lost, tried to head back the way, was well busy! Had to hurdle futons n shit to escape. :lol: The...
Desparately tryin to find one without me grinnin too much. :D :lol: This will have to do from last promise: Standing up on the left "?",...
Errrrm, yeah no bother, anytime mate. ;)
Netto's. :king: 1p for a tin of beans.:lol:
Nuffin much :( Savin money for next weekend, gunna see Picotto on Friday, then Ikon for Promise on Sunday hopefully. ;)
No Tongy on saturday nite? 1600 - 1900 R&B crap? Then Judge Jules? :( Glad about Eddie tho :D Who's this Annie whatsherface on...
:lol: Class. Gunna have to get a lurvly ladies calender now eh? Will stick it in the cab behind me. Maybe Geordie Lee could make me one...
:king: Passed me test this mornin! Im a fully fledged trucker. By the skin of me teeth tho, 9 minors. :dunce: Gunna start wearin checked...
Yup, but the crashes are the best bit. :lol: Gunna stand @ the side n put sticks thru peoples front wheels :p
Separate names with a comma.