caused shit loads of bother in heaton, coast road is still closed, got a pic on me phone of these two cars that got submerged by water! our garden...
ive noticed it too like shit loads on weekends...... from Northumbria police website Across Newcastle officers have identified a 'top ten'...
nah the person still pays the amout bid (10mil) ebay just pay the bit they make back. i checked out the bid history on one and they are...
for all the people that said yeah id love too hate this place........ why you still here? it aint that hard to move abroad. i had no cash...
ahhh think ive sussed it, they will cancel that bit at the last minute therefore no sale right?
Some one tell me this isnt true? i dont use ebay so is that really what ppl have bid? £10,000,000.00? here
It as its moments
that bastard frog on ITV now! with another fuckin "remix" FFS!!!!! :bang: :bang: :bang: :evil: :evil: :evil: :fuming:
lol you work in quals i take it?? i heard they get quite bitchy with entry :D
Another call centre off to India! Well if any of you have an HP (Hewlett Packard) product and you need some tech support expect some indian dude...
I hadnt heard of them before ill be honest!
Mardel - Situation (Vocal Mix) Quality prog tune, anyone heard it yet? it was on Sander Kleinenberg vs Pete Tong radio 1 the other night...
stationary is BAD BAD! :D
i wont say i told u so.
was fucked mate, only remember first few of dave clarkes tunes then the next thing it was like 3-4am and i was at martins!! was hammered like...
good night had, that bird (Lisa?) was really good and so was the other guy but from what i remember DC was also class...... left early tho and...
yup :) heard pete tong play it begining of the year
D500 its class im constantly finding random videos from nights out when ive been totally hammered.... its great helps me remember!! MP3...
yeah i know i can see that being messy too!! They are useless !!
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