awwwwwwwwwwwww thank god for that :lol: :lol: im so gullable te he hee :rolleyes: im even more excited now wooooooo hoooooooooooo :angel2:
no offende i might give the nxt 1 a miss,probably won't miss me like lol i always saw detox as different, they such commercial and well known...
so when is the line up 4 the nxt detox out,from what ive read on the forum,i hope ur not dulling it down wiv judge jules etc what about the hard...
i dunno ya know remember one particular house warmin i went to alot of the fun happened in the bedroom,tho it did invole a massive mirror and a...
i only got 2 like everytime i even look at em to eat they just got tooth ache written all over em
so have i they still in my fridge coz i was to wrecked to eat them on the night :lol: :lol:
thats not fair can u not even give us a slight hint the last i heard from dave was the other wk wen he a viewed a venue and all he told me was it...
hmme looks cool i fort the 1st one was factory it looked like the balcony there but twas a bit bright for that place
do i still get a chance to win
is it carte blanche
i must be the only person that doesn't know it then :confused: :mad: well can you tell me what it is in a pm so at least im in the know :lol:
aww shut ya mouth im entitled to have a blonde day every now and then, plua i have a excuse in 1999 i was just out of school and i could think...
did i really??? or are you just workin me coz really i have no idea :lol: :lol:
come on people we gettin away from what we really want to know........ has any dates bin finalised for detox 2007??????
im probably the only person that doesnt know like but i would either say rock ya body rock or suburban train but i have no idea what yr them 2...
thats made us feel a bit better then.... hope u all had a good new yr and not suffering to much this mornin,i saw my new yr in doin the thing...
whats the dress code as well am i able to wear my fluffy boots and usual clubbin gear?
have many tickets been sold? people are sayin its gonna be a flop coz its not been advertised properly and i aint seen any posters,i only found...
that worky ticket mod that most men get in to when a female bites easily :lol:
u in one of them moods again jimmi, dont work my ticket am not on the ball 2day
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