I dont get what you mean? Are you being sarcastic? how can you say of course he wouldnt have made it without For an Angel? PVD's mix of love...
For an Angel is far from Van Dyks best tune!
There has never been a question of it. Picotto is a legend Marco V is just another dutch trance producer. Bland boaring and clean out of ideas...
Mr Tulip!! Can you PM me your number. It looks like we'll be down for the birthday! Im assembling a game plan at the moment..:lol: Gio...
Hes one of the wqorst mixers Ive ever heard but fukingn hell his record box is the best in the world for tunes!
I Geordie and an Irishman doing the show, get the transators out!! Im working tonight but have fun Richard!! See you in a couple of weeks!:D...
Re: Why do you love techno? I love techno because its music with structure, a Techno set is not simply playing one tune after the other it...
I just cant stand his "Im a victim cos im gay attitude" Its not like its anything uncommon and hes not dieing, so fuk knows why he acts like he...
With all due respect Claire i had not idea he was actually gay until reading posts after I had posted that. Its just a terms i use to describe...
Fuck off!! you chose to be what you are, dont use it to try and make people feel guilty. You are a sad sad little boy. I HATE people like you!
Being gay doesnt nessacerely involve being a patronising little know all...
Shaun, you have been responsible for more shite filled pointless posts on this board than anyone. your constant pish talking when you joined...
Mon The Hoops!!!!! Dont you just love it when you play one of englands top clubs off the park!!! Mon the Hoops!!!
Its quality!!
It wasnt me anyway. I dont think Alan ever did the Liquid rooms for Freefall.. Could we have an imposter on our hands again??:p I'll ask him...
Yeah, ive got a Little Giant symbol on my left shoulder aswell. Im thinking of one for my Back but I think maybe 3 is enough. I dont want to end...
Going out to see him tonight at a shitty hardhouse night:( Still he makes it bareable with some lovely music...
You should look up the meaning of the word techno...
Got the same type of thing on my right shoulder too. Its class stuff!!:D
Who did I meet at Full On?? I was pretty wasted thanks to Mikeys constant arm twisting tactics.. So pleae list who I said hello too and who I...
Separate names with a comma.