hehe I was prolly pissed too, I'd never be mean to a messageboard member - I'm to sweet :D
Re: Re: Cliques where did I meet you?
hehe I saw what he looked like on friday he was amy's messenger. He looked like someone from the brady bunch, and in that photo he looked like...
Cliques This board is pathetic, can any of you actually think for yourselfs? One person dislikes chris so you all jump on the lets hate chris...
I'd love to but Amy will probably be there with her army of goons. I'm hard but even I couldn't deck all them ;)
She asked if u were going to EC not for your fucking CV! some people try far to hard to impress! And Mr Sleazy she said who's going cyber - not...
Allie you've got a girls name, I'm not gannin to argue with someone who minces around a messageboard. Nat nah just one of us :p
See non of you could be nice if yer life depended on it. All those cowies have left yer twisted and bitter like. DoctorMick don't talk about...
she sent one of her goons over to find out who I was.
I came here (and vuzz) looking to make new mates... she started on me.
yeah yeah you sent that lad over to find out if it was me or not. I'm not going to fight u ina pub - with all ur mates there.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm Back he better be able to he's my escort :o why would he be barred?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm Back hehe I wish :p ;)
were u cracking an unfunny joke or being incredibly blonde? I was talking to craigB :p
Re: Re: I'm Back was thinking of comin for julesy :D :king: But with my grown up friends :D <looks at madchris>
I did but my mate didn't :( no fair. craig was quite boring.
I'm Back I almost left cos every1 on here was ded nasty to me. but I'm not going to let any bullies hound me off the site :p so I'm back 2...
lol fuck off I now what ur job is call center boy. rufus its one up from burger king eh?
stop being so silly, I wouldn't fit the stereotype if I had a daddy that I knew :rolleyes:
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