its a bitch ova devate ur starting there m8.on 1 hand yes sick fuckas who commit hanous crimes should b strung up but main draw back happens to b...
my place aint 2 far much as i love gettin :bonkers: there no way im goin to promise night b4, but if u do n need a place 2 crash u...
Petrae Foy too???my god this gets better every time.:o
just bought NUMARK axsis9 - getting delivered today..........sorry this didnt annswr ur question but im chuffed.:D
deserves it to be fair...:( :lol:
i used to like Meatloaf....:lol: :lol:
if u want her u can arrange to pick her up by contacting
this work on ps2 version?
Granny for sale Good for gummings and free perscription drugs............ fRee to loving home
ive got a one legged tortoise......ill take 50p
now now children..........behave.......dont make me get the
that denon ones cool as.defo gona put a bid in 4 that. Cheers. :up:
yeah ive got numark TT200's n they are spot on.really good tourque n shit.just didnt know what their cd ones r like.might have to get the NUMARK...
is he there???aint seen him on any of the lineups.he is defo :king:
oh just got what u meant.its one of them mobile DJ things innit, the two decks n mixer all combined....Nah mate ive already got decks n stuff just...
i dont need a new mixer already got a PCV275, cant find that cd deck on HTFR, what do yuo mean by double player?sorry i just aint 2 clued up bout...
just the usual.its only for bedroom use so it dont need to have loadsa gadgets n stuff, i really just want a decent one cos atm i feel quite...
anybody got/used one of these?NUMARK AXIS9
CD Deck ive just got my bonus :cool2: from work n gona spend some getting a CD Deck. im looking to spend about £250, anybody know any good...
A Primer for Beginners Get an accordion. The cheaper the better because they all sound the same. Do not tell anyone what you have done - it...
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