Post like this but replace the { and } with [ and ] {yt}youtube video id{/yt}
bold X0PVSgynN28
Just testing Edited.
It's fucked and you didn't need me to tell you that. ;)
I'm sure he is looking forward to personally fixing it then. :lol:
Keep on truckin'.
Yep, it fucks all the file names.
WTF are you using Vista for work? :confused:
And he wasn't english. :redface:
I've got it! We could have a Christ day when we all celebrate his life on mass. Lets call it Christ mass! Hang on a minute....
Totally, what I see as right and wrong is 95% based on the teachings of the bible. I have no problem with that at all as I see that to be totally...
I quite like slappers. :up:
I've read that he wasn't even a real person, what we know of him was just a collection of semi-fictional stories about several people that were...
I'd rather have a Churchill day. Who the fuck was St George anyway? :confused:
Friday - Jazzy Jeff and Ugly Duckling. Mega night, too much booze and shouting though. :( Saturday - Slept and ate. Sunday - Cycled and worked.
Say no more... A nod is a good as a wink to a blind bat....
Separate names with a comma.