Uni loans Since this place seems to be reeking with financial intillect could anyone advise me here? ;) I'm goint to uni next year but I know...
Well done :king:
Grade A "eeenarrr"
You can buy crossfader cleaner but I'm not sure about that, I always just use vinegar and it always sorts it out :)
It's because they rekon I look like him :redface: I haven.t heard it before then :lol: & Jess Cooper What other stuff do you mix? I'm...
:lol: I'm Sean mate, I got my name changed for taking the piss out of a certain up her arse mod :up: I'll be sure to have a listen, I love this...
Happy birthday Darude :cool2:
I'd scuttle pocahonttis or what ever the slags called.
Happy birthday Melt :love:
Fuckin bownsin m8.
I'm gonna eat 10!
Fucking awesome mix mate :king:
I have never had a skateboard in my life and I haven ridden a biks in about 4 years so I would say, :p.
:o :up:
But not all little cunts have the capacity to be normal, I know if a floodlit football pitch got put up in Howdon kids wouldnt be able to go,...
It's only been a few years since I stoped "playing out" and I know exactly why this has hapened; BOREDOM. Kids have nothing to do, more money...
:o Your as wise as Yoda :lol:
Darude's dog doesn't post anymore but that really brought a new meaning to "a man's best friend" ;)
I had a tab at about 1AM new years day :lol: :cry:
Separate names with a comma.