Yeah its the 3rd of sept, lol aye mite have 2 take it easy on the wine during afternoon. Dont want phil gettin refused entry like at promise on my...
spoke 2 philly greg n hes gona come, so there'll b me, phil, aaron n linzi if shes comin. Do u reckon we shud book another room??? Me n phil...
yeah they sent em in a taxi 2 my house at 9 30pm ish. We collect our £170 last nite as wel :D and they gave us a free taxi home from the airport!!
yeah no problem, as long as i have a car. The cheque should have cleared by wkend so im going lookin at cars then. Lol poor pat hope u haven't...
lol im sure she wud have been very proud 2have seen him in the garden if we give him plenty of warnin he mite b allowed out to play
yeah im def up4 it, not huge fan of pvd but aint been to passion since new yr i dont mind drivin if were stayin over, have 2c wot the crack is...
lol its original tho
mines called osama, (cos ya dunno where hes gona pop up nxt) I made it up wen i was wrecked spouting cod shit, as u can probably tell
is it the bank holiday one, cos it'll be open till 4am if it is. lashes can only make that line up better in my opinion
yeah they've wrote it off, found out on mon. jus waiting for a settlement figure on my car aye bad crack, u got engine problems like?...
shud have heard dave at radio1 in s'land, he was MINT think im going 2 matt hardwick on fri, as long as my neck n back r ok, ne chance u cud...
yeah im ok got whip lash tho, really painful over wkend but gettin better now. gutted i missed dangerous dave
my car....... my car afta it was in a nissan sandwich [img=]...
cos they'll b no where 2 plug in the hair straighteners!!!! as pointed out by emma
Dance valley..... has ne1 been, or is ne1 going?? jus wondering which part of amsterdam we shud stay in, ne1 recommend ne hotels???
try again [img=]
not sure if its gona work but ....... [IMG]
in your opinion wot do u drive like???
i cant get my pics up, says there 2 big, n i dont no how 2 make em smaller its black, standard except 4 cd player i put in, want sum 17s cos...
yeah i ve got a generation 6, proper love it!!! wanted the gt but cudn't really afford insurance n runnin costs, so i ve got the st. Its bit under...
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