Mark Maitland CHECK YOUR PMs
Mini Fridge Anyone interested in a Football shaped mini fridge which can fit about 8 cans of lager in it. And with a flick of a switch it can...
Re: mega rare CDs for sale! loads there like :p
faye Lee Clark should be playing instead of that useless gimp. Clarky is much better, keeps the ball well, passes it well and sticks his foot in...
Aye, no bother mate, am in the same situation as you. All these presents to buy and nothing to buy them with, xmas is great isnt it :D Speak...
so u cant see him! :D He did have an alright game on against Villa but I wouldnt go as far as saying he was the best on the pitch!
Its in good condtion and its only been used a hanful of times. Hows a tenner sound?
great, do u want to pay me for it or have u got something that u could swap? i'm in crawcrook every week cos my parents live there so i can...
guns alright MR b, I have one of these el clicko is this what you are after?
Thats very good, well done Hannah. :clap:
Re: can we play u every week Should that not be OUR reserves and ARE reserves. If your going to take the piss, do it properly.
digital am planning on going to my first shindig at digital but am unsure where it is. can any of you guys help me out. is it next to the...
digital Am going to my firt SHindig at digital on the 3rd DEC, but am not sure where it is. Is it where the old powerhouse club was next to the...
Little Britain It was funny as fook! Can't waith till Monday when i go to see it at the city hall!
Yeh, thats the best way to do it but if you aint got the money then your stuffed really. I started on a budget pack and now I have SL1210 Mk5s,...
decks here it is click here
decks My first decks were the numark battlepack ones. Basically got two direct drive decks (dont get belt drive, there crap), a mixer,...
When you upload your pic make sure that the file isn't too big cos it will take ages for it to upload!
u wouldnt of had much of a chance anyways, i think shes shagging A-Star, dont know if she was when TW5 was on though. U should if just done to...
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