Orange Evolution... I was just looking at the website of the freevolution orange festival, because a mate told me it was alcohol free :o, it says...
Good stuff mate! I saw this live :groovy: Brings back good memories :cool2:
Nah nothing to do with it mate, its just a name l hide behind when posting on the message board
It was bad but l was expecting it to alot worse the way John Snow hammered the police chief on C4 news earlier this week! Shocking but l...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Genius!!
Have you got tunes on your comp at work? If not you've prob got it set to automatic update, so it wipes whatever you have on the ipod and...
Some people on ebay are just fecking stupid you can sign up for a free one from the lynx website...
I think its poor to be honest Orginal Pirate material was amazing A grand dont come for free, was good at first then gets tiresome He...
Book- Alex Garland, The Coma Same who wrote the beach and the tesseract The story about a guy in a coma, his thoughts, dreams etc Totally... You heard this? Nicked from the NECL board a tribute to him Am rocking it at work...
I havent seen it for ages, but its deffo supposed to be beeped out Dont they not tell you her name until right at the end of 2? Its Beatrix...
This was a few weeks ago? Legend though your right, wasnt totally unexpected coz he had Lupus R.I.P
I'll be in attendance for this aswell
Air- Moon Safari Morcheeba- Big Calm Should do the trick :)
This takes me back!! I'll go for Scott Bond, but l thought MOS had it to be fair with Fontaine!
I stand corrected :redface: :chill:
Do you realise that Vertigo is a fear of heights? He didnt mention heights...
Why would you be glad there not touring? I would love to see Pink Floyd live, would be an epic experience!!
I have, alot of it is straight forward common sense to us reading it now, but was ground breaking at the time
No Floyd Reunion... Looks like theres not gonna be 1 last tour after all... ----------------------------------------- Gilmour says Pink...
Separate names with a comma.