because the real madrid team is over rated imo , all of reals good players are all past it esp. zidane !!!
because it was close to home , not far to travel !!!
do you really see robson coming back into football ??
would rather have oneill or oleary than burley imo !!
i havent got the flyers at the top of my page like cookee has got hows that??
happy bday fella :)
:lol: :lol:
the problem youll get is that at first youll lose the weight but because your body learns to deal with less food if, when you start eating...
i hate the winter so much !!! where i work im lucky to go outside to see light so when i leave work its pitch black !!!:cry: :cry:
newcastle were so poor it was unreal , ameobi and faye should never play for us again , worst players by a mile !!!
theres some right sick bastards about like, no doubt the people whi did this if they do get caught they'll only get banned from keeping pets for a...
2-1 to the toon!!!:D
the uefa cup has been crap for years now like, you can even enter it if you didnt hack domestic teams in your league the previous season (that...
how is that a fair price when we bought him for 3.25m !!!:confused:
Owen found this the other day........
Mike Bassett:Manager ive just seen this advertised for this thursday coming on itv , its taken from the film which was funny as !! i really...
so your telling me if everton were in spanish, german or italian league they still would have finished where they did last season ? i think not !!!
it just goes to show how piss poor the prem league is when a crap team like everton finish 4th then are now out of uefa cup 1st round ( more or...
i wish theyd id me lol !! but i never get id now like i think i look older than 23:( even though i dont act like im 23 sometimes !! why is it...
hi ya hun
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