:up: :lol:
Re: Tut tut Im just imagining the damage that could have been caused after launching a 2 pence piece at the windscreen from yer window. :lol:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Cats :lol: :lol:
Re: Utorrent (noob) problem You may be please to hear its not just you having the problem! LINK Are you using the BETA version? I'm...
If you have sky sports and like yer football then go for it. If not then there are going to be very few HD broadcasts so you might as well wait...
I would agree, the less you pay, the worse the pic quality/spec. I personaly like LG fro value for money. Here's one in the budget and I...
:lol: :lol: There's nothing like a silly joke to set you up for the day.
:lol: :rofl: :lol:
Messenger at work Sorry, didnt realise MARC! was gona post this.
Re: which ftp to use? :lol: I use Flash fxp but am at work so cant send you the serial number of my origional cd case. Will pm ya when...
Same as Chandler_90. Make sure you check the output DVD size is 4.7Gig when using standard DVD's! Also to retain optimum quality when...
Loving the pose on the bottom left. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Girl gets slam dunked You wont believe it till you see it. http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/708.html
PMSL :lol:
One for the lads! Well fit blonde. http://sheendigital.com/alba
What's wrong with this picture? After looking at this picture for a few minutes I realised what was wrong. See if you can tell what it is. CLICK
Is it just Vodafone that puts a bar on for ya, cos ive asked T-mobile to put a bar on and they said its not possible? I bet the bastards...
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