Hooked Christmas Special :: Paul Mac As the year draws to a close we celebrate the festive season with a one off Sunday special featuring a true...
Chris Littlewood Live @ Test, 2nd Novemer @ Carling Academy New Live PA set recorded @ Test on 2nd November 2006 Download Here Bit...
Rich, i know a couple of people who are flogging large analog desks if you're after one? Let me know and i'll find out details :)
That's: Dave Clarke - Before I Was So rudely Interrupted - i-Crunch Out of press now, but it's not too much hassle to pick up on ebay :)...
Good stuff lads, hope you like :D
Mixes recorded at this from myself and Andy up in the mixes section now :)
New sets recorded @ Hooked, Digital :: 20/10/06 New sets from Hooked residents recorded at Hooked with Ben Sims last Friday (20th October)...
Sims nailed it :D Definitely one of the best about! Cheers to people that came down it was jumping! Stupid hot up in that room too!...
:lol: I'm sure he will anyway, it's one of his
All the best mate. Have a good un See you tonight :D
Current Top Twenty A few of these are pretty old, but they're doing it for me at the minute :) Samuel L Sessions - Easy Walker Joris Voorn -...
Check out some amon tobin stuff, or some of the other old ninja tune stuff, dark but failry downtempo the new trentemoller album is quite good...
Bumpty bump Check Sims oot for real this Friday :D
This Friday people :D
There's a free thing I got through myspace, irfan view or something like that, don't think it's very big, don't use it now I've got photoshop and...
It's at Coco V Here's a map - clicky
Glad it's going well for you lads :) See you Friday :D
Join the guestlist que for digital, it's the same for the whole place, tell them you're name and you'll be on the paying guestlist, basically the...
All the best mate Have a god un :)
Separate names with a comma.