Has any body heard......... .........Shake it - by the Moon. I have only eva heard the CJ Bolland Big Bone Mix - but I can't get enough of it....
Is that the one where she starts off wiv a bit of vibro action, then gets rattled by the two blokes? I got that the other day off me mate....
Re: Re: New charv trend? .............Not forgetting big phat animation socks to tuck those trakkies into. FUCKINRITES!HYOW. Gotta nash.::...
Coalvile. It's a stones throw from Leister. If your going on Train you'll have to change Peterboro, if your going by car, it's A1(M) then M1....
Promise should pile on the pressure on the council for making it open to 6am (with everyone of us backing it). I'm sure this avenue has probably...
Any chance you could sub me?
Ok, this is me really really going, glad we got to hammer out the Ulster thing Pee. Roo, it's been a pleasure as always. Back in 1 wk. Yay....
Well, I'm glad we could hammer you dissatation out over the expence of the msg board. Now, atleast we can agree on something.
:o :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Paula & Roo its been great chatting but I honestly have to go. Love lots. Me.xx
Neither - just shops like next and some of the yokle retail shops. I can't speak for the nationalist shops, it wouldn't be a wise move. As for the...
Not fully acheived, granted. I take this point, but refrence the feeling within the Sinn Fein, I think they would happly take the compromise. I...
I think Q is better than P, but that is just a matter of opinion and tastes.
Roo, c mate, I'd backed you up b4 I got those 2pm's Guys I'm gonna have to go in a min, got work to do.
Right, I'm with Roo on this one. The Dancers can somtimes be really mesmorising, that's when they are good. Other times I honestly reckon I could...
This is how the EU stands at the moment, yes, but my point is if the British + Irish governments work together to achieve a united ireland then...
You would have to wait out for any photos/video footage/personal accounts till when I get back. I could get them from various people, but would...
Nice face, that's about as good as, "I'm sure he's got a nice personality dear." Yeah, Matty is sexy as fook, that was neva really up for...
You should know by now to not just judge me by my good looks:lol: How come U neva asked B4? Oh back at home, like able to sit and have a...
I am in the top 5.76% richest people in the world. There are 5,653,860,294 people poorer than I. "How do you feel about that? A bit richer...
Separate names with a comma.