was a proper shame they shut the downstairs, it was getting well good. hope everyone had fun though while it was open!
well done ben!! was a good little selection of sets despite the two others being a bit boring and one dodgy mix i think some1 would like to forget...
im playin this sunday i think. hope to see lots of support, its gonna b funky!!
i hope funky gets bigger!! it needs to happen!
i think its a mint tune, thankfully got my copy the other day!
pulser cloudwalking (beatpushers mix) has an amazing breakdown. also love the breakdown on second sun empire, wow!
dj falcon - my name is dj falcon tiesto in my memory
from a neutral point of view i think newcastle are gonna get butchered. sorry.
am lookin forward to the residents nite! will b mint, specially wiv a rare appearance from mark!
thought the back room was ded good on friday, u boys looked to b enjoyin urselfs! was amazin wen i walked in and silver screen shower scene was...
i got a one sided promo of mathias ware - hey little girl (4 strings mix). it may not be an amazin tune, but it used to be matt hardwicks!! he...
its well good, but hasnt stayed good like the classics do. the gabriel an dresden unplugged mix is the best. nice an bassy. oakie played it at...
pulser cloudwalking starshine moonlight rank1 such is life thrillseekers-synthaesasia (think thats rite spellin)
loverly harwick style trance and plenty of funky too!! like other stuff like aim, aswell as some indie stuff.
will b playin quite hard trance i think! bosh bosh! cheers rach!! hope to c ya all there!
f*ck u!
u shud get there for the start, its gonna be ded good! dave/ ted on at 8
this sounds like a well good idea!
easily hardwick.
Separate names with a comma.