photies from the weekend
yeah the wall is still there, but I think it doesnt get used like it used to.. We will be opening club area first so wont be using the wall... ticketweb finally have online tickets up .. phew ha :)
no you can pay on door mate Online tickets have pretty much gone, and last few in RPM / Beatdown.. we didn't put loads out so plenty space on...
no to your first bit as there is nowt to spill really. apart from we parted ways.. but YES to your comment above.. that's exactly how we are...
Random Saturdays WHQ , Random Fridays at Legends.. for now. :) We aren't doing events at Digital anymore.. it panned out like that in the end...
mid month pay days ha they should go back to paying people weekly.. ;) Yes, looking forward to Dennis also.. been some great feedback on the... E Tickets online.. or real tickets from WHQ, RPM and Beatdown for those who are scared of technology...
agree fidget house for the sake of being fidget can be canny shite as far as the genre goes (well the stuff you see in online stores "sections").....
selection of vests! ha.. the new morales?.. :cry: Agree with your view on his music.. the music in the player on his myspace is quality.....
What WHQ Says..
Jase you will like it mate.. Tom plays anything from reggae early doors through to boogie classics/hip hop/funk and uptempo bits later on No...
last ressies party before heading to pastures new, lets make these last parties a good old send off.. I'm even dusting off the tunes to play in...
no worries.. we will try ha we don't have a set week.. just whichever week we want to do something that fits in with WHQ's schedule..
glad it went well.. used to be some of the best parties ever in town when Bing Bong Rooms used to do the parties there in late 90s.. That arch...
That's partly the reason why it's all coming to an end.. even around 600 , which used to be a decent amount in summer in foundation.. looks like...
Remember though, these are just the last Saturdays at Digital.. It's by no means the end of Shindig on Sat's.. or any other night.. I'm quite sure...
cheers Gary.. We are still on our feet.. but have decided to make sure we stay that way during what could be a long tough summer.. 52 weeks a...
I was stood in the booth, and out the corner of my eye I seen Johnson fly through the air upside down, Udberg had picked him up and chucked him...
Separate names with a comma.