Its a good day out. Just get pissed while sitting in the sun.
Its Tomcraft - The Mission Tequila Flange is mint too!!!
Im loving Be as One at the min, had it on in the car before to cheer myself up after failing an assignment.
They'll be in Sports Soccer in 2 weeks for about £30
My cousin ended up in upstate New York for his camp america thing. He loved it but didnt get a chance to go in NY city till after he had finished...
All depends on which university you wanna go to, theyve all got different criteria for what they class as a mature student. Most places it 21 though.
A Ranch classic :p Nothing to do with Marley was it :lol:
Nee bother chief, i'll let u know if theres any chance of making it. Best get off here and get on with my work.
Havent finished it yet. Thats why i havent gone down with my mates. Its already late shoulda been done last friday. I havent missed a match for ages
I woulda drove down but i have to hand my assignment in later and it'll be too late by then :(
U did look fucked when u were sitting in the back room. i musta just missed u getting chucked out when i went back downstairs.
Separate names with a comma.