luque with his first... 4-1 :lol:
had £10 on inca trail, and a few quid on no6valdevere for my lass... inca trail looked like it was gonna do the business but tired by the elbow...
i agree. it sickens me how bone idle bastard lazy people can be... my gf's family are terrible, they have relied on her as a bread winner since...
thanks people... i didnt know i was missed :p When finances are better i will defo be out, but i really wouldnt like to speculate when that...
[IMG] expected, as i share a name with some american footballer...
at the end of the day, thierry henry didnt dazzle from the off. we need to give people time... he was fantastic at depor, i used to regularly...
nah, tis quite unlikely, it's amazing they'ze managed to get it as small and power effcient as it is for what it does, i believe it's won time...
i've found what caused the issue - the same problem started happening with one of my sister's old systems i had salvaged, after a trip to windows...
yeah, my memory stick access light just started flashing, and since then, refuses to acknowledge there's a stick in, and it does the same with...
i am also in aforementioned boat, so no...
done those, spent a long time dng the chkdsk command, and appeared to fix a number of issues, but the problem remains. as far as i can tell,...
i've also had problems with restarts, but recently, it wont even get past the boot - starts up, does the post, goes as if to start, quick blue...
me :love: my psp... but i dont love the fact the memory stick port has died a death and requires repair. :(
i have no sympathy... she made herself famous for being a tart... and now shes crying because people think she is one? meh, cry all you want...
ayee, has been a while, aforementioned lass leaves me with little time / money / energy / will to live (that is a joke, on the off chance) so aint...
im a 'customer owner' apparently. roughly translated: customer owner = admin with some phone shit, and im allowed to spend ages and ages...
i dont really do anything now, my lass dont really like it, and i've not felt a huge urge to do it for a long time, so it's not a great loss. im...
yeah, without hesitation. i would expect the same in return from any of my mates. i try to be easy going but cheating i do not condone - if i...
yeah, in between. i would say my lass certainly has her girly moments, but she veers towards the edge of outright laddette nutcase when out -...
ignore me... i was using my old wep key :redface:
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