hannah wild I need your new address to send that outfit, hun. Really sorry about the delay im terrible :love:
i really wish i had never entered this thread, im 1hr before the end of a 12hr shift and im absolutley starvin and that pic really hasnt helped...
Matts 3 phone has been champion no bother with coverage, i want pay as you go though cos i cant be trusted with a contract at all... Got virgin...
not intentional :(
i see :o
Should u declare speeing points, if youve only got 3? :confused:
Shots or sambucca usually do the trick for me
I could be quite fancying this :D
Did anyone go to this last night then?
ben and jerrys phish food, eaten out of the tub with a spoon :drool:
lost MY FUCKING PHONE im absolutley gutted, hate being unable to contact the outside world... havent had much sympathy either :( Anyone know...
Re: Get In Chuffed for your chick, wish i could sell mine :(
theres nout the matter with washy!!! :o
Had to be one of the best nights ive ever had. Holden was immense, ill defo be going to see this guy again :o :king:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: we have been in doxford park for 5years
i do, can i help :)
Me n Matt :D
Im getting canny excited for this like, heard loads of his stuff and im well impressed :) :king:
Sat-nowt Sun-nowt I dont think so honey :p
I am looking forward to this weekend, determained to have a good one :D :D off all next week as well.... double whammy :love:
Separate names with a comma.