I know I shouldnt ...... but Im sooooooooooo tempted to find out how safe it really is to put my wang in the attachment on my hoover... :D
What have you... ...had for your tea? :confused: Pie n chips. :D :lol:
Even those peeps that disagree with his political opinions should try to realise that Michael Moore has done a shitload of other stuff to help a...
1) Use Firefox 2) Type about:config in the address bar, right-click on browser.cache.check_doc_frequency, select 'modify', type 1. :D
Agreed, or you've got nowt to floss with.
It doesn't go towards our state pension, it goes towards people that are getting SP at the mo. ie: we're just buying 'credits' for our state pension.
I haven't had a spliff today and I'm hearing voices. So those ultra-conservative bastards can stick that in their pipe and smoke it. :)
:confused: You haven't been having probs with that DVD as well? Try downloading it from here: http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html
There will be state pension for us, only we'll have to work until we're 125 years old to get it.
You not chucked on avast yet?
You should have trimmed a bit first, not my fault if your brows were too close to the kipper garden. :p :lol:
NI does not pay for healthcare, it pays for benefits (pension, jsa, dla, ib, etc). The NHS is paid out of our extortionate taxes.
I divvn't smoke real tabs. Jus' getting some for wor sis. Gonna attempt (again x100) to give up when i get back. :angel2:
I do them, a fiver for a strip n' scream. :D
:o Almost £3 per pack! Used to be about £1.60 (when they cost 5DM) Fucking single currency. :down: Ta :)
Anyone been to... ...Germany recently? If so, how much are tabs over there now? Ta muchly :)
Eeeh, you should see the smiles on their wee faces... :) After all the jealousy against the goldfish last weekend, they're dying for their...
If it's a divx dvd player, can sort you out enough to choke a camel. Even some 'normal' stuff. :p
At the moment: Nine Inch Nails ( :love: ) Combichrist VNV Nation hed(pe) Pigface Wizo :cool2:
Separate names with a comma.