Equifax and call credit are the favoured companies for most lenders. Call credit is the best as it only looks at your last 3 years. Lenders arent...
Lee go on www.callcredit.co.uk, thats a much better site for checking your credit file and it's the most up to date one which doesn't look at your...
.......................... pm Rossy he worked there a few years in a row
:lol: :lol: Im so lucky :love: Even my granny said to my grandad yesterday when it was on the news that she thought Mick would look like...
:lol: :up: DjWhosthatdj....? what the fuck!!
:facepalm: Take this advice from another female board member - never ever give your opinion on football to blokes on here - they will never...
Absolute bell end promoters who think no-one else can put a night on because they have a night similar, or around the same time, or think they...
His brand new range Rover sport was set on fire last nigt! Oh Dear!
:lol: and the award for Nucastle.co.uk best post so far of 2010.......
I thought Rossy owned Liquid or am I wrong?
:up: Paint your face though like the picture in the mail
:up: Also the Greek and Spanish papers aswell :lol:
I actually started to believe him on Saturday! There was only a couple of things that didn't add up otherwise I would still believe him :lol:...
Sky and its customer service is shite! FACT! I would much rather go with Virgin, you get good customer service, never on hold longer than 5...
Fifa 11 = life ruined!! Sick of the squables in my house over this bloody game! :mad:
The Mint line up: Tiefschwarz [Extended Set] Lauhaus [3hour Set] Dan Ghenacia [3hour Set] Santé [Live] Fuck PVD!! I wanna go here!
:lol: Theres 9 hotties in the group ya cheeker fucker :p Just so you can pick on me like you always do??? :lol:
Cant get anymore local or horrible than me Mr P :p No Mick isnt going, theres 9 lasses going down. We had booked this weekend months ago for a...
Are you going to leeds next week to see him? See you there :lol:
Separate names with a comma.