your mission should you choose to accept it! Good afternoon peeps, Your mission should you choose to accept it is to teach Disco Stu how to DJ! A year ago I desided to invest in some second hand decks, and teach myself how to become the next eyeball paul, of course this failed terribly and I got rid of them. Then along came the old Baja loving girlfriend and fucked everything up for me. Now im back and wanting to have another bash! All i ask is for someone out there to spare a few hours/weeks/years/the rest of their god giving life to teach little old me the tricks of the trade, im a very fast learner so I should pick it up quickly. Is there any offers? I shall make worth your while Just PM me are something if your up for it! One more thing I need to get my hands on some decks and a mixer offer the next couple months and was thinking about some newmark direct drives and a gemmini mxer. Can anyone recommend them or should i go for something else???? Thanks very much! Disco
if ur after a dj package try they have some good deals on there, ive got some numark tt1520s, were fairly cheap but they hav been good for learning on. if ur interested hav got a numark dm1001ex mixer for sale aswell for about £60.
tis bout a year old, still in pretty gud condition n got mosta the stuff you will need when ur just starting am only gettin rid of it cos i just got a djm 500
aint goin to be at promise for a couple of weeks due to a cashflow problem, but am gonna try n make it either tissrera or halliwell night. will let u know if am goin down to either, n bring it in my car so you can av a look or summit
I will be there for both John Kelly and Rob so i will see at either one! not going to be there this friday im on a tour of duty in coalville for both storm and passion! Cant wait!!!