young unknown dj's

Discussion in 'Music' started by DJ_Little_Dave, Jun 8, 2002.

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  1. DJ_Little_Dave


    Jun 5, 2002
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    young unknown dj's

    who agrees that Promise, being the biggest night in Newcastle, should give local DJ's the chance to play??

    i know its great havin all these superstar DJ's coming every week, but as a local young (18yr old) DJ, i find it difficult to get gigs.

    i know this will sound like me trying to push my own career, but would u lot, as the regulars at Promise, like to see more local DJ's playing, aswell as the superstars?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Re: young unknown dj's

    Personally yes I would, but u ve gotta understand that Promise is a business, and to attract crowds, needs to advertise "big name" djs...

    e.g. when Rob Tissera was on, the club was no where near full, as he s only a big name amongst "clubbers" and not your "average punter" I dont like catagorising people, but it seems appropriate now. Rob Tissera doesnt have a radio show, he has only released one single that I know of, and not released a commercial album... On the other hand Jules next week I guess will be absolutely heavin, coz everyone knows him, through radio, productions, or word of mouth...

    There is a lot of local talent, e.g. Lee Foster, but as far as I know, even he (who is a very good dj IMO, after listenin to his cds), but they are all findin it tuff up in hte north east to make a break. (this is my view, and doesnt represent what other people think or maybe even the truth, but the bit about Lee bening a wkd DJ, i think most will agree!!:D)
  4. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    I think that up and coming dj's should be given a chance, but in a business sense it just isnt financially viable, they need the ppl that r gonna pull the crowds.

    However - one sort of solution could be to put ppl on in the back room - but of course then we've lost the always room...

    But personally, yea i would love to see some up and coming talents at promise, but i dont think it would go down very well in the main room.

  5. Ché

    Ché Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    u cant become a superstar overnight.
    u need to start locally and make a name for ur self b4 somewhere like promise will even think about putting u on.
    its not what u kno either... its who u kno!
  6. CheekyMonkey

    CheekyMonkey Registered User

    Apr 5, 2002
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    Since getting Zenith Part 4 by Lee Foster, I've been thinking that it'd be very good if Promise got some local DJs on. It'd be well good to see someone local ie Lee Foster (don't mean to keep using him as an example but he's the only one I know of although he is absolutely fookin class!!) play at Promise, maybe with an hour set up until 11 or so, then there's still 4 or 5 hours for 'proper' DJs. That means ppl won't be coming especially to see the local DJ, so Promise (I assume) wouldn't be losing any money and local Djs get a chance to play. Another possibility would be to hold some form of DJ competition, perhaps at somewhere like Egypt Cottage, with the winner getting to play at Promise. I don't know, I'm just throwing about ideas here.
  7. Guest

    Snarfs rite its not what u know its who u know!!!
  8. batfink

    batfink Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    indeed how very true
  9. CLARKi

    CLARKi Registered User

    Jan 23, 2002
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    The Office
    to be honest n this isnt a shot @ the always room DJ's it is rather quiet in there i think playin sumink different could give it a boost! so bring on the local lads!

    ps DJ SCOTT! :p
  10. DJ_Little_Dave


    Jun 5, 2002
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    yeh i agree with the "who u know not what u know" comment. and im not trying to become a superstar overnight, but surely if your mate was playing at Promise, everybody u know would come, and if u stuck them on for the warm up set, then youd already have some ppl in there as soon as the doors open. and i meant u could have the unknown DJ on early and leave the superstar set as it is.

    i reckon, as clubbers, ppl would like to see young talent given the chance otherwise, whos gonna be the superstars when the superstars are gone? the new superstars will be 30yr old when they get the chance!
  11. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    Mate ive many a mate who i think would be good enough to DJ @ Promise but once they get behind them decks it a totally different kettle of fish - u maybe good n from what ive seen n heard the signs are good - like people say Promise is a business and im sure that given the chance u will do ya best - the problem is peeps are gonna look n not recognise the name therefore it wont attract the punters will it - im sure if ya had the backin of like 1500 people like ya mates then it would de a different story :p - all ya have to do is keep on tryin dont ya - personally im shite on me decks but i never really go on them - i could recommend a few DJ's myself and i know of a few v.good ones on here too but ist all down to the management and what they want - simple as really :D

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