Yet Another External HD Question. Right, i've got this 1TB thing hanging out the back end of my laptop and i'm FAR too paranoid for it to break and for me to lose everything (well until i buy another HD to back that HD up ...... ) anyway - the question is, would running programs directly off that external lead to any hardware failures/add to the risk of it failing? .....
no that reminds me! i bought a 1TB HDD over a month ago and still not fitted it Proves just how much I actually need it
so what factors induce hardware failures then? i've heard far too many horror stories from people with externals
i've had 3 go wrong; 2 down to the actual chassis - i used to cart it around everywhere and eventually knackered the usb port as i never unplugged it so it got damaged. 1 down to the hard disk just dying
It's one of life's unsolved mysteries too. I bought 3 160gb maxtors about 4 years ago now, all 3 failed within a week of each other about 9 months later. Cunts.
Maxtor are (were?) utter shite. Hard drives have moving parts, circuit board controllers, big magnets etc. They will all fail eventually!
true, but maxtor are the shittest make I've ever dealt with. I've got a 15yr old 50mb quantum fireball in a box in my house, I powered it up last night and it still works. Now thats what I call reliability
there was a feature on radio one yest, they blew up a HD sank a HD In the ocean and drove over one in tank. All where "easily recovered" data wise, the feature was on a security of personal files. yet if joe publics hd fails its the enbd of the world or a massive fee to get the data!