wot programme? wot programme could i use 2 put my video recordings onto computer mpeg etc? its a normal video camera! :spangled:
i've got a digital camera so mi firewire card sorted out the DV in and outta my PC but i know analogue cameras will need some kind of serial interface card (with phono AV In, Audio L/R In) and the software to handle it. If you get the hardware, usually it comes with software to sample the video but its finding out what u need hardware wise that is the tought bit. Hmm... i'm about as useful as a chocolate teapot but i hope it kinda guides u in the right direction...
If your using an analogue camera you can use a T.V. card (you can get 1 for about £30) all you have to do is tune in your RF lead (the aerial lead that you plug in the back of your T.V.) as 1 of your presets http://www.pcworld.co.uk/store/mart....0&page=Product&sku=660352&category_oid=-9958