Which credit card is it........ that gives you 0% finance on all balance transfers for the life of the balance?
It's not Egg, already got one of them, not Capital either, they don't do any deal on transfers, get them applications al the time. Free pen with them though!
Barclays are doing a 2.9% for the life of the balance on transfers right now. Alternatively you could hop from one 0% offer to the next - I have a Halifax classic which is 0% till february next year (9 months in total since i got it) If your good with money - then its a good idea to set up monthly payments of a set amount onto a 0% (or very low interest) card and then move the balance around when new offers come around and old offers run out. If your bad with money, clear the balances and get a loan with a fixed payment and cancel your cards. Hope that helps.
Barclay card were doing 0% on transfers & purchases for a year but think the offer's changed now. Just transferred the balance from my HSBC card, glad of it too! Pay £15 off per month, get charged £7 interest! Can't wait to pay the bloody thing off though...! :evil:
Check here mate¡K there are some that offer 0% on life of the balance http://www.top-creditcards.com/uk2.htm?source=google_cards
Think it's definitely still 0% on transfers for quite a while yet, my sister works at Barclays and was telling me just the other day. I have an Egg card. Decent! Might be getting a Barclaycard soon as well.
There's not mate. They offer you 3.9, 5.9, etc for the life of the balnace, not 0%. Still a good site though, cheers!
Was waiting for you to come on Lol! That's really good with Barclays, might see if I can get one with them. I am going to try and pay them off over 2 years hopefully, if I can get just about 0% on them over that time, then I should be able to.
Sorry mate was looking at the info whlst avoiding prying eyes of senior management... no sweat on the site though it's helped me out in the past
Credit Cards / Catalogues / Store Cards ! I wouldnt waste my time with any of them, regardless of rates and offers they are far too easy too get into trouble with ! When they do offer good rates they either sting you at the end of the period of time or they have catches with payments ! If you can handle them then fair enough, when your talking about paying them off over years there's no point, a loan would probs be better - unless your paying a hell of alot more off each month than the min payment !