Waste ur time here

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by GeordieLee, May 6, 2003.

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  1. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
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    Waste ur time here

    >> Chubby Jedi Video <<
    If you're a bit on the plump side and are going
    to video tape your Star Wars fighting skills
    on a school camera, remember to remove the
    cassette when you're done. Otherwise people
    will stick it on the internet and the whole
    world will laugh at your folly.

    >> The ABC of Lady Norks <<
    Ok. This has got breasts in it. It's kinda
    sweet tho. Although we're not sure that
    Kelly Brook really has got a cup size of S.

    >> Nap Strap <<
    We've all been there. You're on a long journey,
    you nod off, you wake up with drool on your
    shoulder and a crick in your neck. The solution?
    Tie your head to the seat. It's a good idea
    but using it would make you look like a gimp.

    >> Japanese Scat Dolls - Shit For You <<
    Oh god. Now we've seen it all. Sex dolls that
    poop. Can the last person out please turn
    off the internet? (Warning: Pop ups.)

    It's not shit

    "I was pissed off with Birmingham coming third
    in the City of Culture vote", writes Jon
    Bounds, "So I'm starting a campaign -
    Birmingham: You might think it's shit, but I
    like it."

    We approve. To help the campaign out we've
    made a Flash video celebrating the joy that
    is Birmingham.

    Go on - send it to a brum chum.

    >> Online Graffiti Wall <<
    This is really cool. Draw a little doodle and
    see it get added to an online gallery. We've
    seen vaguely similar things before, but Futoria
    has put this together extremely well.
    There's some lovely pictures in the gallery
    already. What can you do? (We did a pig.)

    >> Interactive Musical Cockroaches <<
    "A load of singing cockroaches have taken over
    my sink", writes Jennifer Tantleff, "so I
    thought I would put them to use on something.
    This is my first flash anim. Hope you like it."
    Yes. We do. Now do the washing up. Student.

    >> Spectrum Top-Trumps <<
    "Fancy a game of Top Trumps?", writes Nick
    Humphries, "How about with Spectrum games?"
    Yep. We do. This might not be for everyone,
    but hey - we like seeing old computer game
    screen shots.
  2. 1615634792921.png

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