Ward10 Xmas Residents Party - Dec 22nd Due to circumstances out of our control Will Saul will no longer be playing on 22nd...proper shame but we're trying to re-schedule the date for next year.... As from Feb 2008 we'll be going back to the monthly format and will be in 'the little room' at Independent on the last Saturday of each month and have got big plans for the room and Ward10 for next year...Thanks to everyone who came down to the sold out birthday party with Andrew Weatherall...turned out to be an amazing night.. We've had a great year doing the bank holiday parties and have had some great guests...burnski, simon baker, rocky, dom cappello and binni join us after our year off doing parties, but we've got the bug again so roll on 2008! We also welcome out new resident Ross Fellows who'll be making his Ward10 debut on 22nd.... cheers to everyone who's been down to the parties and supported us this year and hope to see you's down on 22nd...tickets will be available from this weekend.... we'll be knocking out our favourite records from this year as well as Ward10 classics from the past 6 years while trying to stay sober... WARD10 XMAS RESIDENTS PARTY 22ND DECEMBER 2007 I INDEPENDENT (the little room), HOLMESIDE, SUNDERLAND 11pm - 3am (or later) with residents Keiron, Garry Ogden & Ross Fellows 100 capacity - Advance tickets £5 available from Eleven, John Street, Sunderland and The White Room, Holmside, Sunderland www.myspace.com/ward10 facebook group - ward10 ward10@hotmail.com for mailing list
Tickets in shops and going fast... If anyone can't get down to any of the outlets there will be some tickets available online....send us an email to ward10@hotmail.com cheers
cheers to everyone who came down last Saturday. Another full house.....great night... We'll be doing the last Saturday of every month in 2008 starting on Saturday 23rd February with MANUEL TUR (freerange/compost/germany) More details near the time.... Happy Xmas from us at Ward10!