wanker What a **** tonight. Haven't got much else to say, seeing as I'm pissed. But what a **** that bloke at Twisted was.
Sorry mate that Vodka and Red Bull just didn't cut it with me. The bloke who started with Spence, Fitzy, Crasherkid and Smog. I think you weren't there. Did that bloke turn up?
WTF was goin on? All i remember is goin out and helpin purvy, now im barred for fightin! All I did was help me mate, I thought i was doin the rite thing! Then after i a had a couple down the road I see another 2 riot vans go up, and round the corner where I got picked up another 2 wat else happened after that?
fuck no's m8, but im sure you'll be allowed bk in, it was just that pisshead charv. he swung a dig at fitzy and thats when it all started, some bloke with a cap on ran outside and started hitting the charv, she might of thought it was u.