very bad day.... today has been THE worste day EVER.... after having my decks stolen last night, and not being able to claim on the insurance, i have just had an arguments with a friend, who has pissed me off beyond belief... ted, i will be round at yours with some beer to bang out the tunes, let off some steam, and annoy the neightbours later!
we were all in my front room, and the cheeky fuckers climbed in through my bedroom window (next to the front room!), and took em! didnt take any records tho, thank god. so im gonna be deckless for a while!
fookin hell wouldnt expect that to happen like least ya still have ya records like worth a million times more
Bad news about the decks mate ! There has been lots of student accomodation in n'castle broken into in the last couple of weeks Hannah got her camera nicked and people in her flat had stuff nicked ! bas***ds
fuckers dude, if my dex got nicked id go nuts... or on the rampage... mate, try lookin in a few of the dodgy second hand stores in town... theres a chance they d sell em there... oh try cash converters in clayton st.. a lot of the gypos sell stolen goods there!
ill probs walk past cash conveeters later, and see em in there! its just ded annoying having no decks to play on! what am i gonna do with myself?
sorry to hear bout ur decks dude, dave told me yesterday! but at least they didnt take ur records,id me most gutted if they had done!
cant believe they didnt take the records..there was about a grands worth a records all in bags in the middle of johnnys room!! robbers with bad tastes eh?...thank god
yes mr revel well unhappy to hear bout ur decks but my technics are available anytime!! just keep it down tho eh?!?! hehe
oh bless ya hunny htats awful, hailz told me y'day n i couldnt believe it god the fucking bastards i'd kill em 4 ya if i cud hun but unfortunatley i dont s'pose u know who they are so i wudnt be able to oh bless ya hun try not to let it upset ya too much although its a lot easier said than ppl hav said though at least u still hav ur records...... xxxx