US Presidential Elections Who do you think is gonna win? It´d be interesting to see what the general attitude is
Hmmm its a hard one but I think Bush might just scrape it. He is still very popular over there and tends to get the majority of the christian vote. And then there are the mysterious broken voting machines and cancelled bus routes in Florida that happen at every election whether it be for the local trailer park AGM or the presidential elections. Floridas local news is funny to watch during elections. Little old ladies get very disgruntled when the government bus doesnt come to pick them up from their democrat residential home! Oh and if i had a vote I would vote Kerry just on the off chance that he fulfills his promise to favour family reunification in the immigration services. At the moment it FUCKING STINKS
How people can not care about this is shocking as it will shape what happens in the world over the next few years due to the influence and foreign policies of the US. I hope that Kerry wins as he can do a more sensible job than Bush
Unfortunately spiral some folk are soo bloody stupid to see past their own ignorance. The things bush has done during his term as president are shocking, and he needs to be removed asap.
Many Americans would disagree with that though and the original question is who WILL win the elections. You can't base your answers on the British anti Bush media! It would make sense in this country that Bush could never possibly win but over there its very different. Either way I think it will be close. Kerry isn't very popular but there are a few in the US who will vote "anyone but bush". Infact the flags that people have had flying on their cars over the last 8 months are "GO DUBYA" AND "ANYONE BUT BUSH" lol As far as I can see Kerry doesn't intend to withdraw troops from Iraq anytime soon either.