'updating my address book' whats all this rubbish about? i keep getting emails off people but never bother to click the link... whats the shizzle?
yeah, i've had a load of these but not clicked... doesnt seem right somehow... some kind of hotmail virus methinx?
its a thing called bepe where u can store all ur addresses online or somet like that i cant be assed with that why wud i need peoples addresses anyway blatently an easy way to gain data for spamming etc
We had something like that when I was on my placement, a viru had got into the corus address book and was sending loads of people random e-mails. My workmate got loads of them and there was a complaint that he had sent some woman a dirty e-mail when he was on his holidays
Ive had loads of this its really starting to piss me off now...theres always like 1 or 2 off really random people I havent spoke to in ages in my inbox when I check my e-mails... Is there no way u can stop it?
yeah... nice once nass, now i have got one, like shizzle am i filling that thing in, i get enough porn in my inbox thanks to my little bro